Privacy Policy


We at UrShipper and our affiliates (hereinafter referred to as “UrShipper”, “we”, “us” or “our”) take the privacy of our customers (hereinafter referred to as “customer”, “client”, “user”, “you”, or “your“) and consider our customers’ trust as our top priority and take the protection of your personal information very seriously. We want you to feel safe using our products, services, and solutions (“Services”). This Privacy Policy informs you of the way in which we collect, use, transfer, and store your personal information when you use our Services, as well as your rights in relation to this data. This Privacy Policy is legally binding between you (and your clients, customers, employer, or another entity if you are acting on their behalf) as the user of the services of UrShipper and/or UrShipper’s affiliates.

If you do not agree to the terms of this Policy, you must immediately cease using the Website or our Services. The term “Personal Information” in this policy, is used to describe any information related to individuals or businesses. The term doesn’t include the name, business address, or telephone number of an employee of an organization.

What data do we collect?

While using our Services, we may ask you to provide us with certain Personal Information that can be used to contact or identify you. Personally Information may include, but is not limited to:

  • First name and Last name

  • Business Legal Name or Trade Name

  • Email address

  • Phone number

  • Address, City, State, Province, ZIP/Postal code, Country, Geographical Location

  • Personal Identification Number or Tax Identification Number

If you provide us with any Personal Information of another data subject, you must ensure that you are authorized to do so and that such person is informed about this Privacy Policy. You can choose not to provide any Personal Information that we may request of you, but, in general, the Personal Information we request is required in order to provide you with access to and use of our Services, and the lack of such information may prevent us from doing so and impact the service capability. We collect only the information necessary to provide our services to you. You have control over the amount of information you provide. Your information is shared only as described in this Privacy Policy.

Details of an order can only be seen by the sender by logging into the sender’s UrShipper account. We use a third-party provider to process payments, which might require you to provide your banking information directly to them. UrShipper does not collect or store any banking or credit card information.

When and how do we collect your data?

We provide a range of Services including (without limitation) various delivery and logistics solutions through innovative technology and connected tools. In order to achieve this, we collect Personal Information and other information from you in a number of ways including:

  • Directly from you, for example when you use our Services through our website or web application, or when you contact us through phone, email, or chat

  • When you make an account with us

  • When you are a Sender or Receiver of goods/parcels/packages transported by services provided by us

  • When you connect your E-commerce store with our platform through APIs

  • When you provide us with information to verify your identity

  • Indirectly, when you purchase products or receive packages from any of our customers with whom we have a legally binding contract

  • When you reach out to our customer support teams or when a support ticket is created

  • When you provide us with feedback

  • Our social media pages

  • Web forms and surveys

  • When you contact our customer service

  • At the time of delivering consignments

  • Off-site services and events that relate to our Services

  • Other interactions with you

When you create an UrShipper account, your privacy setting is defaulted to private. To create an account, we require your email address and password. Your account can only be accessed with your user ID or email address and password. You may choose to include additional information, which will be kept private to the account holder.

Why do we collect your data?

We use the collected data to provide, develop, and improve the services that we offer you. Some of these purposes include (without limitation) the following:

Provide you products and services:

  • provide products and services (such as cross-border parcel transportation/delivery services and technology services)

  • facilitate pickup/delivery of goods/parcels/packages

  • monitor your usage of our services to understand your requirements better

  • perform accounting, auditing, invoicing, reconciliation, and collection activities

  • send tracking updates and transactional information

  • give options for convenient or express delivery

  • provide location and tracking features

  • provide you with related and ancillary functionalities, products, services, solutions, software, and technologies developed and offered by us in the ordinary course of our business

Communicate with you:

We use your Personal Information to communicate with you via different channels (such as by email or chat) in relation to our Services and to follow up with you on any requirements for our services that you have indicated an interest in. Such as:

  • provide you with information about the services we offer

  • assist you with customer service queries

  • address your feedback or complaints

  • conducting marketing and promotional activities

You are able to unsubscribe from our marketing newsletters at any time. UrShipper does not sell, or rent any of your personal identification information to others. We will not disclose your personal information to any third parties other than when required by law or set out in this privacy statement.

Why do we share your data and with whom?

UrShipper uses third-party delivery providers to deliver packages. We require certain information and disclose it to third-party delivery providers for the purpose of providing goods/parcels/packages delivery services to you (and your clients, customers, employer, or another entity if you are acting on their behalf); and when required information is not provided, our service will not be available to you.

The following information must be provided in regard to making our parcel delivery services available to you:

  • Sender’s name, contacts, and address

  • Receiver's name, contact, and address

  • Order/Item details, including goods description, quantity, and value/price

  • Package details, including packaging type, weight, and dimensions

Sender’s and Receiver’s names and addresses might be visible on the package label, for the sole purpose of delivering the package. UrShipper might also share the Receiver’s phone number and email address with our affiliates (third-party delivery providers) if required, but it will not be visible on the package label.

Storing Your Information

We will hold your information for as long as you authorize us by maintaining an active account or remaining on our mailing list. We adopt appropriate data collection, storage, and processing practices and security measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of your personal information and order information stored via our site. While UrShipper takes precautions to secure your data, if there is a security issue we will alert you of this fact.

If an account is deleted we'll still need to hold on to some information about past orders for our own records.

Non-personal Identification Information

We may collect non-personal identification information about you whenever you interact with our site. Non-personal identification information may include the browser name, the type of computer, and technical information about your means of connection to our site, such as the operating system and the Internet service providers you use and other similar information.

Web Browser Cookies

As with most websites, we may use "cookies" to enhance your experience. Cookies do not cause damage or harm your system and are used to assist you with our site. You may choose to alter personal web browser settings to refuse cookies, or to provide alerts when cookies are being sent. However, if cookies are blocked some parts of the site may not function properly.

Third-party Websites

You may find content on our site that links to the sites of other third parties. If you access linked sites, you do so at your own risk. We do not operate or control these third-party sites and we are not responsible for their content, operation, privacy, accuracy, or security policies.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

UrShipper has the discretion to update this privacy policy at any time. When we do, we will send you an email. We encourage you to frequently check this page for any changes to stay informed about how we are helping to protect the personal information we collect.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at [email protected].

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