Countries UrShipper Cannot / Does Not Ship to

With UrShipper, you cannot ship to countries or territories as follows:

  • Belarus (Temporarily Suspended)

  • Central African Republic

  • Comoros

  • Cuba

  • Equatorial Guinea

  • Falkland Islands

  • Guinea Bissau

  • Iran

  • Johnston Island

  • Kiribati

  • Mayotte Island

  • Myanmar (Burma)

  • Nauru

  • Niue

  • North Korea

  • Russia

  • Sao Tome & Principe

  • Sierra Leone

  • Solomon Islands

  • Somalia

  • St. Helena (S. Atlantic)

  • St. Pierre Et Miquelon

  • Sudan

  • Syria

  • Tajikistan

  • Tokelau Islands

  • Turkmenistan

  • Tuvalu

  • Wake Islands

  • Yemen

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